Apr 28, 2022 | 21-Day Healing, Ascension, Change the World, Freedom, Meditation, Programming
Original sin is a programming that is part of the blueprint for the 3D reality. Similar to other programmings, it is embedded in the energy network or matrix around the earth. It permeates our entire being and dictates what we experience on earth. With this...
Mar 21, 2022 | 21-Day Healing, Ascension, Change the World, Liberation
The soul chooses different experiences for its continual growth. The soul’s goal is to explore and experience different scenarios and take on various challenges, during its journey through different lifetimes. In the Universe, there are an infinite number of...
Oct 5, 2021 | Ascension, Change the World, Freedom, Light Network, Separation
Do you feel at peace? Can you feel the deep inner peace in your body? Can you rest in the feeling of being held in your life, regardless of what is going on? Can you relax in the knowing that you are fully supported? We’ve been born into the experience of separation...
Mar 8, 2017 | Change the World, Healing
During my ongoing meeting with Jack and his team, it was time for the Light chain, as always on Tuesdays from 8.30-8.45pm European Standard Time. The universe arranged itself so well that I could do this light work in a moment of peace and quiet. I had already created...
Mar 7, 2017 | Change the World, Healing
I am in California right now and feel that we need to do some light work together here. What I feel is that it lies like a plate under the crust that prevents a free flow of energy from mother earth to those who live here. I will create a light bulb straight down the...
Mar 3, 2017 | Change the World
Went for a walk on the beach to soak in the energies of this area. Every time I travel to a new place, I check out the energies to see if any light work needs to be done. Even when I arrived yesterday, I felt that it is like a “lid” under the ground, which prevents...
Mar 2, 2017 | Change the World, Uplifting moments in life
We have landed in LA, me and my super colleague Carina. The hotel is right on the beach in Santa Monica and the atmosphere is lovely! We share the boardwalk with bikers, skaters, joggers and roller-bladers. It’s so American and I LOVE IT !! We found a delicious...
Feb 18, 2017 | Change the World, Uplifting moments in life
Dreams do come true! Soon me and my PA / Marketing Manager Carina, will have a business meeting with Jack Canfield at his home in Santa Barbara. We will meet Jack and his assistant Patty, to discuss the development of my company, future collaborations and...
Nov 30, 2016 | Change the World
That the Crypto Currency One Coin has created some headlines lately has certainly not escaped anyone. My approach to these types of “fake news” is to give it as little energy as possible, and give more energy to the good that One Coin stands for, that create...
Nov 9, 2016 | Change the World
I am deeply impressed and fully respectful of the enormous courage that this soul, incarnated as Mr. Trump, holds. He has taken on the role of wearing and visualizing the collective hatred, based on fears, which are among many (all?) people. He has chosen to be...
Oct 17, 2016 | Change the World, Uplifting moments in life
This weekend I visited the famous psychic Marina Munk’s home and carried out various light missions. My attraction to her was very strong. I just felt that it was important! So, I followed my calling … And it turned out to be quite right...
Jul 27, 2016 | Change the World, Inner power, Uplifting moments in life
Well …. Vacation, yes, I thought … The light missions do not take holiday, even though I long for sun and sandy beaches. At the beginning of summer, I felt a strong attraction to the south of Sweden. So, I had no choice but to plan my holiday...
Mar 8, 2016 | Change the World, Healing
Because of the potential risk of powerful earthquakes centered in California, we gather on March 8 to support the Earth. There are a lot of changes in the earth taking place right now and it feels important to do what we can to reduce the impact of future earthquakes...