WOW! I’ve received the first feedback from those who listened to the Cosmic Language recordings and it has been such an incredible response!! 

It’s truly unbelievable! I’m so thrilled! It’s such an honor for me to share this with all of you. I shed tears of gratitude when I read your experiences… I’m so moved. 

Initially I was really nervous about how the language would be received.

Even though I always trust my intuition and guidance, I was still nervous about sharing Cosmic Language because it’s “just” a bunch of syllables and sounds kind of wacky 😉

Yet I knew, deep in my heart, that there was a very important meaning in what was said. 

My mission here is to activate powers and gifts in others. The energies that come through the recordings set things and processes in motion for all those listening. 

It’s been quite amazing to witness all that’s transpired for you when you’ve listened to the recordings. 

I knew that this information was very important to make public during this stage of the Ascension, and that many people would receive much happiness in a variety of ways from the energy codes—including information about earth’s history, our new missions and the future stages of Ascension. 

But, even knowing this, I couldn’t believe the heartwarming response I’ve received.

A wonderful co-creation with you at its best! 

Some listeners experienced “normal” healing sensations such as sweeping energies and a peaceful feeling.  Others instantly recognized the language and spontaneously began to speak it after having listened. Some can understand it, others can’t. 

Many receive a lot of information that’s encoded in the words—information about their next step in life or important events in the past. 

I am sooo enormously grateful for all of your lovely emails and all the magical stories you’ve shared. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Although the recordings of Cosmic Language were originally considered extra tools for the participants of the 21-Day Healing Program, we’ve now released them to everybody. 

It feels important that everybody can take part of the light codes.

Here are some of the listeners’ experiences: 


Wow! I have listened to all three tracks and I’m so overwhelmed. Once I let go of the fact that I couldn’t understand anything, the meaning came to me. So much information and so much healing. It’s wonderful, important and so meaningful. I even felt how it physically worked on me while I was listening. I received so much valuable information about my path and where we are heading collectively. Hopeful, mischievous, full of love, and yes, simply wonderful. I will listen to it many times in the future. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Jessica Mossberg


As soon as Zoë began speaking on track 2 I started to cry. It came in waves during the entire first half. A sorrow, a longing, something that struck me. Almost like a lightning-fast recognition in those first few seconds. Then I became calm and at peace. During the last minutes I began to “comment” when I listened without consciously understanding a bit of what Zoë or I said. A very strange experience.” 

Inga Nyström

When I listened to track 2 a white light came through my crown chakra and swept through me, all the way down to my toes—very powerful and at the same time with so much tenderness.


I listened for the first recording and it was absolutely amazing. It was like listening to a prayer in another language. I received information about what happened in Lemuria.


A HUGE WARM THANK YOU for all your delightful feedback! 

So much love to you!!
