Previous 21-Day Healing Program (December 2020) – Theme: Lightworkers Unite
For 21 days you will receive one healing session per day wherever you are in the world. Zoë gives the healing sessions remotely and she works with purifying, strengthening, balancing and upgrading your energy system by using high frequencies in her Nordic Light Healing™.
Join this transformational journey!
Previous 21-Day Healing Program
with Zoë Devi
(from December, 2020)
Theme: Lightworkers Unite
Deep Trust and Activation of the Light Grid
This is a previous round of the 21-Day Healing Program that had a joint start in December, 2020. As there is really no space and time, you can still take part of the program as the healing energy is just as powerful now as then!
You can choose to receive your healing when it best fits you whether that is during the day when you are awake or during the night when you are sleeping.
This journey is for those of you who desire a big change in your life, on all levels – physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
If you wish to experience a deep purification process, get assistance to strengthen your physical health, clear old karma and raise your vibration, Zoë invites you to join this transformative process of rebirth.
Welcome the New You!
“The healing and the experiences have simply been beyond words. The 3rd eye activation in the program was very powerful! The new chakras, nodes and crystal body activations were fantastic.
I feel as though I am an entirely different, brilliant and loving being! At times I feel myself shaking, not because something is wrong, but because there’s a tremendous amount of energy flowing through me. It is beautiful! I appreciate you and your team so much, thank you Zoë!”
Cheryl Reed
“The 21-Day healing brought many surprises and very strong energies. To my complete surprise I even received a new ascension team. I understood that my old team’s work was done and I was advancing to a higher level. My new team has a totally different energy and they are transmitting huge amounts of energy of love and light into me. I’ve also gotten to meet my Star Family and felt the strong presence of Oneness with me. Thousands of thanks for this opportunity.”
Anna Kuleszyńska, Siewierz, Poland
“I thank and bless all of you for an unbelievable experience. I feel so fortunate to have been part of this healing and having access to the healing at any time and all the time. I will be returning for another round of 21-Day Healing because more clearing is needed for me.”
Kamiriro Khaira, Vancouver, Canada
“I entered the course feeling happy enough, but ended it feeling lighter, cleaner in spirit and more connected – which was my primary interest in doing it. I found on a couple of occasions I woke up and immediately started talking in light language during the program. I was ‘flashed’ a few images at times, one being a staircase surrounded by wispy clouds, which I took to mean I am on the ascending path :)”
Helen Kirby, Exeter, England
How does the 21-Day Healing work?
- You receive the healing energy one hour per day, either during the day or at night when asleep
- You lie down, open up and welcome the healing energy
- Note: There are no daily healing videos
- The healing energy is individually adjusted and you get exactly what you need
- We recommend that you drink a lot of water and rest during this process as your whole body is changing and adapting to a new version of yourself
- Watch the Q&A video, where Zoë explains the whole process.
Lightworkers Unite
– Deep Trust and Activation of the Light Grid
In brief, this 21-Day Healing Program includes:
– Deep Trust
– Restoration of the Trust Link
– Your Inner Child in the Circle of Love
– Held by Source
– Deep Rest
– Core Breathing
– Powerful Activations
– Upgrades
– Strengthening your Sovereignty – Connection to the Golden Light Network
– An extended Extra Week of healing (separate purchase)
This 21-day Healing Program combines the last two 21-day healing programs that Zoë facilitated in Scandinavia in 2020: Deep Trust – Restoration of the Trust Link and Connecting in Unity – Activation of the Light Network.
We start the program with an in-depth process whereby you establish a Deep Trust in all aspects of life. You awaken, receive and integrate calm and holding energies at the cellular level. You are held in deep rest, and you let go and surrender to the highest good. You allow the power of trust to come into you and carry you forward.
Your inner child is allowed to rest in a circle of love, and you land in the depths of your spiritual essence, trust in yourself, life, mother earth, your cosmic helpers, your Ascension team, and God.
You then undergo four powerful activations from Zoë’s Twin Flame, who is on the other side: activation of the 3rd eye (the pineal gland) and connection to the 11th gate, activation of new chakras, activation of new nodes in your energy system, and crystal body activation. New nodes and chakras inside and outside the body will activate your energy system, and strong energies flushing through it will expand it. You have the opportunity to strengthen your individual light network, your light body and your sovereignty.
When your own light network is activated, expanded, switched on and strengthened, we connect the entire light network for all lightworkers to the Golden Light Network.
After this interconnection of the entire Lightworker Network, the codes in The Golden Frequency are then transmitted. NOTE: All codes are available now!
After this transmission, several powerful cleanings, clearings, and upgrades occur, and the energy network is strengthened. When we go through this experience together enormously powerful energy charges occur.
In this high-vibrating state and with the help of the strong Lightworkers Network, we have the opportunity to make a quantum leap and lift ourselves and the people of the earth to a whole new level.
This 21-day healing aims to unite and reconcile us beyond our ego and our different opinions within the Lightworkers’ Community. Through this process, we stabilize the Power of Light that we have in common and connect ourselves in Unity (Oneness) in order to enable the Great Shift—in each of us and collectively.
We also get the opportunity to disconnect from any remaining dark forces in our energy systems that hinder us in our Ascension and our light work.
This process is a preparation for The Event, i.e. the large energy wave or some smaller energy waves, that will be washed over the earth.
Your Ascension team, consisting of ascended masters and beings from other civilizations among others, are with you throughout the journey.
Extra Week
– Transmission of Star Codes from Other Civilizations
After you have gone through the 21 days of healing you have the opportunity, during the Extra Week, to continue receiving star codes from other civilizations, whom are involved in the Ascension process.
You have to have done the first 21 days of the program before you do the Extra Week as the healing energies are based on what you have previously received.
You purchase the Extra Week separately during or after the program. You can buy it from your Member’s Page, where you as well will find more information.
Active Participation
1. The Heart Meditation (mp3) – 5 minute guided meditation (included in the program)
2. Core Breathing (exercise) 5-20 minutes – Zoë provides instructions in the introduction video
3. Sovereignty with Tapping (exercise) – Zoë provides instructions in the introduction video and further information can be found on your Members Page and in your Welcome Letter
Extra Tools
In the 21-Day Healing Program you can use the following extra tools. Using them is voluntary and nothing you have to do in order to get all the healing benefits. Zoë explains more about this in the introduction video.
The 533 Crystal Pendant – Programmed with The Golden Frequency (and/or use another clear quartz crystal, which is not programmed) >> Order here
Member’s Page
You get access to your own member’s page, where all information about the program is included, e.g. the introduction video, the schedule, the feedback videos and the Q&A section.
You find a link with a password to your Member’s Page in your order confirmation and in your Welcome Letter.
Zoë introduces the 21-Day Healing Program, December 2020
You start the program when suitable to you.
Zoë and the Ascension (healing) team works with different healing aspects and themes every single day.
Note! There are no daily healing videos or emails that will be sent out. You just lie down, open up and receive the healing energy.
Day 1 Settle and Rest – Your Inner Child is Held in the Love Circle
Day 2 Rest Inward – Deep Inner Rest
Day 3 Trust in Your Inner Guidance – The Compass of the Heart
Day 4 Rest with Your Cosmic Helpers
Day 5 Rest with Mother Earth
Day 6 Surrender to the Highest Good
Day 7 Trust Your Own Inner Strength
Day 8 The Restoration of Your Trust Link to Source
Day 9 Activation 3rd Eye – Pineal Gland – 11th Gate
Day 10 Activation of New Chakras
Day 11 Activation of New Nodes in Your Energy System
Day 12 Crystal Body Activation
Day 13 Flush Healing
Day 14 Reinforcement and Stabilization of Your Light Network
Day 15 Strengthen Your Sovereignty
Day 16 Connect to the Global Golden Light Network
Day 17 Transmission of The Golden Frequency
Day 18 Connect to the Star Family
Day 19 The Lightworkers Network – Purification, Upgrading and Reinforcement
Day 20 The Lightworkers Network – Purification, Upgrading and Reinforcement
Day 21 The Lightworkers Network Lifts the Whole Earth and Its People into the Power of Love
Extra Week – Transmission of Star Codes from Other Civilizations (separate purchase)
Day 22 The Crystal Chambers on the Ship – Connecting, Calibrating and Acclimatizing
Day 23 Transmission of Sirian Codes
Day 24 Transmission of Pleiadian Codes
Day 25 Transmission of Arcturian Codes
Day 26 Transmission of Flambian Codes
Day 27 Transmission of Blue Avian Codes
Day 28 Transmission of Individual Codes from Your Team from The Galactic Federation of Light
Feedback Videos
There are three Feedback videos that you can take part of on the Member’s Page. After each week of the 21-Day Healing Program, Zoë connects with you through a Feedback video in which she answers questions and gives feedback on the previous week.
Facebook Group
As a participant in the program you are welcome to join our private Facebook group, 21-Day Healing Program with Zoë Devi, where you can share your experiences, interact with the other participants and ask questions directly to Zoë’s team.
“Thank you Celestial sister for sharing this beautiful and powerful program with everyone. In terms of spirituality, this program has taken me to the next level. I felt a deep tranformation within me and it has changed me to something else. This program has built a powerful connection with my Andromeda star family. I just don’t have the words to thank you.”
“A big thank you Zoë for these amazing and turbulent weeks! I’m so grateful for these 21 days and it feels like a fresh new start in my life.”
“Thank you for 21 absolutely wonderful days! On the last day, I felt sad that “it was over” and decided to ask if I could get a new 21-day healing sometime this fall – and yes, it was possible. Looking forward to the next round!”
Birgitta Engdahl, Kristianstad, Sweden
“I want to thank you enormously for this journey! I never wanted it to end. It was so wonderful to feel the serenity, safety and love that I felt during this healing. Difficult things have come up, but I felt as if I had to heal a lot and I did.”
Susanne Jonsson, Stockholm, Sweden
(Original price US $255 – Value of US $2550)
- You get healing every day for 21 days!
- You get your own Member’s Page
- You get access to a private members-only Facebook group
- You get support in the process
- You can repeat the program as many times as you wish! The healing energy is just as powerful!
- You get a free guided Heart Meditation (5 min audio)
Extra Tools! (buy separately)
The 533 Crystal Pendant – Programmed with The Golden Frequency (and/or use another clear quartz crystal, which is not programmed)
The Extra Week is not included in the price. You purchase it separately from the Member’s Page.
Cancellation policy: No refunds!
Nordic Light Healing™
Zoë uses Nordic Light Healing™ in the 21-Day Healing Program. This is Zoë’s “own” healing modality, where she uses extremely high vibrating and strong energies. Zoë collaborates with different masters, angels and entities from other civilizations.
By cleansing, purifying, strengthening and rebuilding the client’s energy system, Zoë creates a new energy template or blueprint for the physical body to adjust itself to.
Over the years, Zoë has used Nordic Light Healing™ with great success, from minor ailments to various physical illnesses, such as cancer, severe injuries sustained in car crashes, herniated discs, urinary tract infections, fractures, eczema and Lyme disease.
Zoë can also influence, change and transform mental, emotional and spiritual conditions by transforming negative thoughts, removing cellular memories, rewriting soul contracts and breaking energy cords to events and people, in present life or in past incarnations.
In this video Zoë tells you about her healing modality.
In this second video you can enjoy Zoë’s powerful energy transmission of Nordic Light Healing™.
Read more about Nordic Light Healing™ here.
Please have a look at the Q&A section on the 21-Day Healing Program site. For any additional queries write to us at
The 21-Day Healing sessions does not treat specific ailments, diseases or health problems, but aims to restore balance on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level. Therefore, Zoë does not make any promises, guarantees, and/or assurances about specific healing results or recovery. Zoë discourages you to stop taking any medication or other medical treatments without your doctor’s recommendation. Zoë is not a doctor and you are solely responsible for your own medical care.
About Zoë
Zoë, known from the successful Swedish TV-show, Life on the Other Side, is one of Scandinavia’s leading spiritual teachers. She is a sought after healer, intuitive coach, yoga teacher and workshop leader. Zoë gives classes, workshops and healing sessions all over the world.
Zoë is constantly developing new workshops and modalities. In 2009, she created the unique concept Be an Attractive Magnet™ together with her Spirit guide and other entities. Be an Attractive Magnet™ is a deep and powerful energy work that makes the users quantum leap their success to a level of super-manifestation using the Law of Attraction. It contains energy clearings to remove blockages to avoid unwanted results, and many energy techniques to amplify the attractive energy to the maximum.
She helps entrepreneurs boost their businesses with the magical energy techniques of Soul Vibration Marketing™.
Zoë co-wrote the book Mastering the Art of Success with Jack Canfield, which was released in July 2017. Zoë received the Best-Selling Author Award from the National Academy of Best-Selling Authors, for the book.
In the video below Jack Canfield interviews Zoë in his home in Santa Barbara, CA. They talk about their best-selling book Mastering the Art of Success and Zoë shares the basics of her magical work Be an Attractive Magnet™ and Soul Vibration Marketing™, which has led to her great success.
Jack Canfield praises Zoë's work affirming: