Reconnective Healing®
At the moment, Zoë is not available for any private sessions!
Immensely powerful healing energy! Completely natural. It helps to restore the body’s balance and is a great opportunity for healing – physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Ongoing research at Stanford University, among others has been done. Great success, both scientifically and in practice.
1-3 sessions are enough.
US $120 per session (45 minutes) in person or on distance.
Book you session at the end of the page.
The healing energy reconnects you so that you get the opportunity to reach your full potential and become who you really are.
About Dr Eric Pearl
Dr. Eric Pearl, was a very successful chiropractor for 12 years, when he in 1993, after a series of different experiences, discovered that he had received “the gift”. His patients reported one after another of miraculous cures and improvements of cancer, AIDS-related diseases, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis (MS), rheumatoid arthritis, cerebral palsy (CP) and other “incurable” diseases.
This happened when he held his hands near them and it still continues to happen, many of them receiving Reconnective Healing®. Many of the miraculous stories are documented in 6 books.
Learn more about Dr Eric Pearl
Dr. Eric Pearl travels around the world to teach Reconnective Healing®, and his book “The Reconnection – Heal Others Heal Yourself” has been translated into 39 languages. Eric has been endorsed by such notables as Deepak Chopra and he has appeared in numerous television shows around the world. He has been invited to speak at the UN, interviewed by, among others, “The New York Times” and performed before a packed Madison Square Garden. In June 2010, he was invited to the Norwegian royal family for a talk.
Doctors and researchers around the world are completely baffled by the stunning energy effects and have conducted an intensive research to understand the phenomenon of Reconnective Healing®.
The researchers have seen that the Reconnective Healing® energy is clearly measurable. It gives clear changes to the EEG and ECG. The research has been conducted by Dr. William Tiller, Dr. Konstantin Korotkov and Dr. Gary Schwartz among others.
Summery of the scientific results:
Here are links to some of the researchers’ respective websites:
Dr. William Tiller
Dr. Konstantin Korotkov
> https://korotkov.org and https://kti.spb.ru
Dr. Gary E. Schwartz
Dr. Konstantin Korotkov has collected his research on Reconnective Healing in the book ”Science Confirms Reconnective Healing”.
Read more and order the book HERE>>
Miraculous stories
The list just keeps getting longer and longer.
Different persons miraculous stories of healing can be found here:
What can you expect?
Although many experiences amazing healings, you can never predict what Reconnective Healing has in mind for you. Three people with the same symptoms / diagnosis may get totally different results. Everyone’s experience with Reconnective Healing is unique.
Neither I, as a practitioner, or you as a client can direct the energy, it is intelligent and know exactly where and how it is most beneficial for you. So, it might not turn out as you expected, but probably something much more.
When will the healing take place?
How many sessions do you need?
Can everyone get healed?
An example: Two people break their leg at exactly the same way with same amount of extensive damage and apparently has the same opportunities to heal, just as fast. Both come to Zoë to receive healing. One person heals much faster than is normal, while it takes the normal amount of time or even longer time for the second person.
It can be that the other person needs a long time in silence, because the person is experiencing the stressful situation in his life. Maybe that person needs to reflect on his/her life and if he/she is living life as he/she is destined for.

Reconnective Healing® in media
You can fins newspaper articles, Podcasts, Radio- och TV shows around the world here (under the media tab).