Healing Energy Transmission

Zoë has developed Nordic Light Healing, where she uses extremely high vibrating and strong energies. Make sure to experience her healing, as she has been hailed as the Scandinavian John of God. Zoë has the opportunity to influence, change and transform on a mental,...

Light work in California tonight

I am in California right now and feel that we need to do some light work together here. What I feel is that it lies like a plate under the crust that prevents a free flow of energy from mother earth to those who live here. I will create a light bulb straight down the...

Medial utvecklingskurs Steg 1 Stockholm

Nu startar äntligen Zoë’s Mediala skola – medialitet i den nya tiden! Under utbildningen utvecklas du i din egen takt, för din egen personliga utveckling med möjligheten att Certifiera dig (ej ett krav). Du får pröva på det mesta inom det mediala och uppmanas att...

Extra LIVE broadcast tonight

Because of the potential risk of powerful earthquakes centered in California, we gather on March 8 to support the Earth. There are a lot of changes in the earth taking place right now and it feels important to do what we can to reduce the impact of future earthquakes...