I am deeply impressed and fully respectful of the enormous courage that this soul, incarnated as Mr. Trump, holds. He has taken on the role of wearing and visualizing the collective hatred, based on fears, which are among many (all?) people. He has chosen to be smashed by an entire world to show the darkness in all of us.
 And he does it with a dash! Every human, every day, faces choices, more important choices than a presidential election … to choose between fear or love in every moment. To put this soul as a “leader” of an entire country, which in many ways seems to “rule” the world, gives only the conscious people, the grassroots movement, an enormous power to create something completely new, because the “leader” is so far from what they want to experience in their lives. Many new initiatives will push through a change. It is now that it is time to step into your own inner power and realize that it is not the government that controls the little man. WE CREATE AND CONTROL OUR LIFE!!! STEP INTO YOUR POWER!!!  Mr. Trump also contributes further to reveal who it really is that controls the country /world, “above” the president. 
The leaders who are in the forefront to create a positive change, such as Michelle Obama, Bernie Sanders, are more, are now free to act from a position outside of the White House, without the jargon of the actual regime.
 This is the beginning of a huge change, at a deep level. So, thank you brave Trump soul who chose to bear the dog head! Tighten the seat belts – let´s go!?
 Lots of love
 Zoë [icon name=”heart” class=”” unprefixed_class=””]