That the Crypto Currency One Coin has created some headlines lately has certainly not escaped anyone.
My approach to these types of “fake news” is to give it as little energy as possible, and give more energy to the good that One Coin stands for, that create opportunities for all of us. It has been very interesting to observe the media reports about One Coin. I am not surprised at all that this crypto currency causes headlines, as it is a big threat against both banks and other crypto currencies. Had One Coin not been considered a threat, it would have passed unnoticed. What is claimed in the media and in social media is a very distorted picture of what One Coin is and stands for.
The only thing that cures doubt is knowledge. If you are in doubt, make sure to inform yourself – directly from the source! And do not forget who owns and manages the media …
I am pleased that so many see new opportunities to change the economic system using crypto currencies. I see it as a huge step in the direction of liberation!
So, keep the torch HIGH and STEADY!!! With love,
Zoë [icon name=”heart” class=”” unprefixed_class=””]