21-Day Healing Program with Zoë
Theme: Dissolve Collective Programming – Connect to the New Earth
Starts May 18, 2022
Registration is closed!
21-Day Healing Program May 2022
US $255
“Thank you so much for these 3 weeks! So much has changed in me. I feel more whole, more together, more ‘with it’. I can deal with the day-to-day worries and difficulties much better. Also many of my pains are less and much more manageable.”
“Thank you Zoë for this wonderful program that you so lovingly share with us all. Blessings to you and to each of us on this journey.”
“It’s the last day today of the 21-Day Healing Program and how can I express my deepest gratitude for the healings I’ve received these past 21 days. Today, my soul was in the presence of eternity of what I believe the “I am” to be. I felt love, beauty, hope, forgiveness, joy, freedom, ease, bliss, belonging, peace and it was so uplifting. From the depth of my heart and soul I say thank you!”
“I’m enjoying all the love and bliss during the 21-Day Healing process. Thank you all so much. I have had vertigo and dizziness for five weeks now but by the end of our first week, my dizziness is only slight and no vertigo.”
Give yourself a fresh start!
Join the successful 21-Day Healing Program with Zoë
For 21 days you will receive one healing session per day wherever you are in the world.
Zoë gives the healing sessions remotely and works with purifying, strengthening, balancing and upgrading your energy system by using high frequencies and Nordic Light Healing™.
You can choose to receive your healing when it best fits you – during the day when you are awake or during the night, when you are sleeping.
This journey is for those of you who desire a big change in your life, on all levels – physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
If you wish to go through a deep purification process, get assistance to strengthen your physical health, clear old karma and raise your vibration, we invite you to be part of this transformative rebirth.
Thousands of people in Scandinavia have gone through this program since its start in 2016 and since 2018 we are offering it internationally.
Welcome the New You!

“I want to thank you for these weeks. I’ve really felt that there’s been a lot of things happening within me, stirring up old feelings that quickly disappeared. Now after the third week I feel better than I have in a long time and I’m sleeping so much better. Unbelievable!”
“Many thanks for these amazing weeks! On the second day, the Christ Energy was immensely strong. I’ve never felt anything like that before and I slept 3 hours afterwards. Additionally, I’ve stopped drinking coffee. Big hugs to you and all your co-workers in the heavenly realm.”
“Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this wonderful journey. I feel such an inner gratitude to myself, a strong inner love and light, and I now respect my life choices. Feels like my manifestations happen faster and easier.”
Zoë introduces the 21-Day Healing Program starting May 2022
Theme: Dissolve Collective Programming – Connect to the New Earth
Zoë goes through the schedule and theme for this round of the 21-Day Healing. You will go through a deprogramming process together with your Ascension Team in a short meditation
Early-Bird Discount!
US$ 155 for all 21 days
(original price US$ 255, value of US$ 2550)
You get:
- healing every day for 21 days!
- your own Member’s Page
- access to a private members-only Facebook group
- support in the process
- to repeat the program as many times as you wish! The healing energy is just as powerful!
- a free guided Heart Meditation (audio) ca 5 min
- a free guided meditation Expand Your Light (video) ca 20 min
Extra Tools! (buy separately)
You Crystal Chamber & the 11th Gate – Healing Meditations (audio) – two guided healing meditations (52 min)
Shifting from 3D to Multidimensionality through Zero Point Energy (audio) – three guided meditations that support you in the process
Offer valid through May 11, 2022. After this date the price increases to US$ 255.
Cancellation policy: No refunds
Early-Bird Discount expires in...
“It’s the most intense spiritual program that I’ve ever attended in my life. My Ascension team has healed me physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Earlier, I was suffering from heart arrhythmia, but now it’s completely healed.
This program has made me more peaceful, calm, loving and spiritual than I have ever been in my life. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for creating this wonderful program and allowing me a part of this. Thank you for connecting me with my Ascension Team. I’m feeling blessed!”
Healing theme for May 2022
Dissolve Collective Programming – Connect to the New Earth
During this powerful healing process you get the opportunity to reprogram everything that belongs to 3D.
When we were born into this reality, we agreed to participate in certain collective contracts, which so far, have limited us to living in the third dimension.
In the next step of the Ascension, we will leave 3D and move on to live in higher dimensions. Therefore it is important to reconcile with, and disconnect from, everything that belongs to 3D.
These are the criteria for being able to connect with, and live in, the higher dimensions.
This 21-Day Healing Program aims to assist you in the process of disconnecting from 3D and connecting to the New Earth, at a much higher level of vibration.
You begin the 21-Day process by creating a safe relationship with your Ascension Team, who will lead you to your Crystal Chamber where you will be installed.
All healing sessions are performed in your individual Chamber.
You are then led through the 11th Gate, to the “place” of infinite possibilities, where you get to experience the sphere of total freedom. In this space, you establish and anchor the Zero Point Energy, which we will use throughout this healing journey.
You will undergo 9 powerful reprogrammings, with 9 different themes, all of which belong to the 3D reality.
For each reprogramming, the process begins with a deprogramming, where your energy field is disconnected from the current theme in 3D. During the following session, your energy field is connected to the corresponding theme of the New Earth.
Similarly, the synapses in the brain are disconnected from the old neural pathways in order to establish new connections and pathways in the next step.
During the time between each deprogramming and the new programming, you stay in a space of Zero Point Energy, where your energy field is neutralized.
You can further support this process by being and meditating in this space, until the following session.
The last part of the process is devoted to establishing a connection to the New Golden Earth and expansion into infinity. We work to build and secure your connection to the New Earth. All connections are checked so that they are intact, and we check that there are no remnants of connections left to 3D.
NOTE! The new connection, to the New Earth, has no limitations like the previous 3D reality.
Your Ascension Team, who are with you throughout the journey, consists of Ascended Masters, highly developed masters from other civilizations, angels and possibly people from “The Other World” beyond our world, who were part of the Ascension Team during the last 21-Day Healing in April 2021.
Active Participation
You are encouraged by the Ascension Team to be active in the process as follows. Zoë goes into detail about your active participation in the introduction video.
NOTE! You do the active participation before and after the healing sessions, not during them. Do what you feel and/or have the time and strength to do.
1. The Heart Meditation (included in the program)
A guided meditation that helps you to anchor yourself in your body and in your energy.
It is suggested to listen to the meditation every day, preferably in the morning.
2. Expand your Light (included in the program)
Connect to the New Earth and to the global Golden Light Network with this guided video meditation.
It is suggested to do this meditation 5 times before starting the program and after each new programming as well as after Day 20 and Day 21.
3. Meditate in the Zero Point Energy
Between each deprogramming, the zero point energy is kept active, for example through meditation.
Zoë talks more about this in the introduction video. A guided meditation is also available as a recording if you need extra support in the process.
It is suggested to meditate in the Zero Point Energy after each deprogramming.
4. Reconciliation with and honoring of 3D
By honoring everything that has been in 3D, you have the opportunity to reconcile with it and thus go beyond it. Think about your past experiences and feel free to write down the person(s) you need to reconcile with and honor them in a reconciliation process around this.
Zoë speaks more about how you can do this process in the introduction video. A guided meditation is also available as a recording if you need extra support in the process.
It is suggested to do this reconciliation before each deprogramming and when you wish.
5. Quantum Leap to the New Earth
Tune into the future version of you that is living on the New Golden Earth, and start being that version of yourself today.
Zoë talks more about this in the introduction video.
The meditation “Expand your Light” will help you beautifully in this process.
There is also a new recording if you need extra support in the process. In “Your Quantum Leap to the New Earth”, you are guided to merge with your future higher soul aspect.
It is suggested to meditate on this after each new programming.
6. Take notes
Write down your experiences, reactions, insights, and questions during these weeks. Take time to contemplate on what these experiences are telling you. If you’re in the Facebook group, you’re welcome to share there.
Extra Tools
To further facilitate, enhance and strengthen the 21-Day Healing process, there are five additional tools that you can use.
These tools are available for purchase. Zoë speaks more about these tools in the introduction video.
It’s not a requirement to purchase and do these extra meditations, the healing is just as effective without them!
NOTE! If you purchased the 21-Day Healing Program no later than April 1, 2022, you will receive all the extra tools for Free as a Bonus. They will be emailed to you at the latest May 13, 2022.
Your Crystal Chamber & The Journey through the 11th Gate (audio) > Order HERE
Track 1 – Zoë guides you to the mother ship where the Crystal Chambers are located. You merge with your individual chamber, where your frequencies are upgraded. (27 min)
Track 2 – You will be guided in a journey through the 11th Gate to the “place” of infinite possibilities, ie multidimensionality, where you get to experience the sphere of total freedom. (25 min)
Do these two meditations after Day 1 and whenever you wish.
Shifting from 3D to Multidimensionality through Zero Point Energy (audio) > Order HERE
Track 1 – Reconciliation with and Honoring of 3D – a guided process where through the honor of what has been you have the opportunity to reconcile with it and thus go beyond it. (21 min)
Track 2 – Meditation in the Zero Point Energy– a guided meditation where you are led to the field of infinite possibilities. You land in a neutral place inside yourself and bathe in a state of nothingness, Samadhi. Here you establish a contact with and anchor the Zero Point Energy. (16 min)
Track 3 – Your Quantum Leap to the New Earth – a guided healing meditation where you get the opportunity to merge with your future higher soul aspect. (20 min)
Member’s Page
You get access to your own Member’s Page, where all information about the program is located, e.g. the free meditations, the introduction video, the schedule, the feedback videos, and the Q&A section.
The Member’s Page is sent to you by email one week before the program starts.
Feedback Videos
After each week of the 21-Day Healing Program, Zoë connects with you through a Feedback video in which she answers questions and gives feedback on the previous week. This video will be emailed to you every Wednesday. You will also find it on the Member’s Page.
Note! The Zoë Team will be answering your emails and questions until June 22, 2022.
Facebook Group
As a participant in the program you are welcome to join our private Facebook group, where we share daily posts about the schedule. You are welcome to share your experiences, interact with the other participants and ask questions directly to Zoë’s team. Don’t worry if you don’t have Facebook. You will also get all the information in the feedback emails we will send out throughout the 21 days and on your Member’s Page.
Starts Wednesday May 18, 2022
Every day has a healing theme that Zoë and your Ascension Team works with.
Your Ascension Team, who are with you throughout the journey, consists of Ascended Masters, highly developed masters from other civilizations, angels and possibly people from “The Other World” beyond our world, who were part of the Ascension Team during the last 21-Day Healing in April 2021.
Note! There are no daily videos or emails sent to you. You just lie down, open up, and receive the healing energy.
Day 1: Preparation – Meet your Ascension Team. Installation in the Crystal Chamber and journey though the 11th Gate and experience the Zero Point Energy in the Field of Infinite Possibilities
Day 2: Deprogramming – Untruths
Day 3: Programming – Truths
Day 4: Deprogramming – Separation
Day 5: Programming – Merging with Source
Day 6: Deprogramming – Victimhood/Powerlessness/Weakness
Day 7: Programming – Complete Sovereignty/Inner Strength and Power
Day 8: Deprogramming – Mortality
Day 9: Programming – Immortality
Day 10: Deprogramming – Social systems and codes
Day 11: Programming – The free soul in the Universe
Day 12: Deprogramming – Fears and Anxiety
Day 13: Programming – Love/Safety/Trust
Day 14: Deprogramming – Dystopia/Depression
Day 15: Programming – Joy/Euphoria
Day 16: Deprogramming – Distorted dark sexuality
Day 17: Programming – Divine sex
Day 18: Deprogramming – Lack
Day 19: Programming – Abundance
Day 20: Connecting to the New Earth and Expanding to infinity
Day 21: Connecting to the New Earth and Expanding to infinity
Note! The schedule may be adjusted if Zoë receives other information that is better for the group.

Feedback Videos
21-Day Healing Program May 2022
After each week of the 21-Day Healing Program, Zoë connects with you through a Feedback video answering questions and giving feedback on the previous week.
Feedback after Week 1
– Wednesday May 25, 2022
Feedback after Week 2
– Wednesday June 1, 2022
Feedback after Week 3
– Wednesday June 8, 2022
The 21-Day Healing Program – How does it work?
You receive your healing for one hour each day, either in the morning, during the day or at night (when you sleep).
Simply lie down, open up and receive.
This healing is individualized to suit your personal needs and you will receive what is best for you right now.
You will also be assigned a personal Healing Team from the heavenly realms, that will assist you during the entire process.
You suggest you drink a lot of water and rest more than usual during this period as your whole body is changing and is upgraded to a new version of you.
In the Q&A video, Zoë explains everything you need to know about the 21-Day Healing Program.
This is how it works
- Before you start, please set an intention for the entire 21-days.
- It can be a general intention or more specific.
- If your intention is reached before the process is over, you can set a new one.
- The reason for this is to get you to actively participate in the process by setting an intention.
The Heart Meditation
- You will receive the Heart Meditation in the Welcome Letter, which you find in your order confirmation.
- Zoë recommends you to do the Heart Meditation every day throughout this process.
- Don’t listen to the meditation during the healing hour.
- Reduce or stop your intake of coffee, sugar, alcohol, meat, tobacco and similar substances during the program.
- The cleaner your body is the easier it is for the energies to integrate in your body and energy system.
- Do not receive healing if you are under the influence of alcohol or other drugs!
During the healing
- You decide yourself when you want to start the 21-Day Healing Program. We have a start date for the program but it’s ok if you start at a later date as well. The healing is just as powerful.
- You open up to receive the healing once a day when most suitable for you (during the day or when you sleep at night).
- Each healing session lasts for about one hour but please give yourself another 30 minutes in order to slowly come back and to reflect on the healing.
- You can receive your healing sessions at different times each day. If you do this, let the time between the sessions be as long as possible in order to fully integrate the energies. For example, if you receive your healing at night, then don’t receive the following session in the morning, but later that day instead.
- You don‘t need to tell Zoë what time or day you choose to receive and start the healing program.
- Do all the sessions one after another according to the schedule. If you miss a day just resume the healing where you dropped off even if you get behind schedule. Don’t skip days!! Try not to take too many breaks and days off as it interferes with the process.
- Turn off your cell phone, wi-fi, TV and other electronic devices so you can be completely undisturbed during the session.
- Lie down comfortably.
- Have a blanket close to you as you might get cold during the session especially during the detoxing and cleansing days.
- Simply open up and receive the healing. You don’t have to say or do anything special.
- Be in a quiet room or if you prefer, put on some relaxing music.
- Recommended music: “Adrift” or “Ascension” by Christopher Lloyd Clarke or other songs by the same artist. Whale Song or Whale Sound. Available for download on Spotify.
Your healing team
- You have your own Healing Team working with you during the 21-Day Healing program.
- The Healing Team comes from different higher realms to assist you in the healing process. They consist of healing masters, angels and light entities from other civilizations.
After the healing
- Drink more water than usual, especially during the cleansing days.
- Make sure to rest more than usual in order to let the energies work thoroughly through your body.
- Set aside time for reflection between sessions. Take notes on what happened during the sessions (if you remember) and what happens within you in between sessions.
- During this program feelings, thoughts, events, situations, people and blocks that have resided within you might surface to be cleansed, processed, forgiven and let go. Keeping track of what’s happening might make it easier for you to process and heal these “issues”.
- During the program you may also receive guidance about your next step in life, etc.
Share your journey with us
- If you wish to share your journey, please send an e-mail to contact@zoeland.org and we’ll answer as soon as possible. We are happy to follow your process.
- If you have any general questions about the healing program, please email us.
- Zoë is unable to provide any private psychic reading or coaching. That is not included in the program.
- Note! Zoë will answer your questions and share your reflections during the LIVE webinar once a week. No names are ever revealed. We protect your privacy and if you don’t want your letter to be shared publicly, please let us know.
- It’s important that you have a positive attitude and belief about the healing process in order for it to work.
- Zoë does not give any guarantees regarding healing of specific ailments or diseases.
- The 21-day Healing sessions do not treat specific ailments, diseases or health problems. Rather they aim to restore balance on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level. Therefore, Zoë does not make any promises, guarantees, and/or assurances about specific healing results or recovery. Do not stop taking any medication or give up other medical treatments without your doctor’s recommendation. Zoë is not a doctor and you are solely responsible for your own medical care.
Q & A
How does the healing work?
- Please check out this video: Q&A 21-Day Healing Program, where Zoë thoroughly explains how the program works.
- Also be sure to watch the Nordic Light Healing™ information video, where Zoë explains how her healing works.
How does Zoë transfer the healing energies?
- We are all energies and interconnected through a universal energy network and Zoë transmits energies through this network. She connects to everyone simultaneously and works in parallel by splitting her consciousness so that she works multi-dimensionally on each person. In this way, the healing is individually tailored.
- Each person is assigned a Healing Team of high frequency guides and entities (your main guide, angels, masters, entities from other civilizations, etc.), who work according to your specific needs and for the highest good.
- A lot of Christ Energy usually comes through when Zoë works. Zoë also often works with the Unconditional Love Energy and the Ascension Frequencies. Other energies that come through are soothing, enriching, purifying, balancing and grounding.
How do I open up?
- Imagine that you hug someone you love and open your heart.
What can I experience?
- During the sessions you may experience cold, heat, drowsiness, tingling, vibrations, energies sweeping through the body, etc.
- You may experience flickering, sweating, chills, palpitation and excessive swallowing.
- You can experience both light pain and pleasant sensations.
- You may see colors and pictures (which may be guiding messages for you), and memories may come to the surface.
- You may feel dizzy and nauseous.
- You may start laughing, crying, etc. Let what needs to happen happen. Do not resist.
- Some people may feel a lot, while some do not feel much at all or nothing. The healing works regardless.
- Afterwards, it is common to feel lighter, happier and more vibrant. Pain, injuries and diseases can be healed. Old emotions, trauma and pain, which need to be processed, may be reawakened.
- You may also experience fatigue and detox symptoms.
- Have faith that everything happens for the highest good of all and that you’re taken good care of.
- Let yourself Be With What Is.
Can I receive healing during the night?
- Yes, the healing works even if you receive it at night when you sleep.
- Please do some extra meditations during the day if you want to be more active in the process.
- You decide what is best for you.
- The healing is just as strong and effective regardless of when you receive it.
When should I not receive the healing?
- Do not receive the healing if you are under the influence of alcohol or any other drugs. Lighter medicines are ok.
Can I take a break from the program?
- Please do all of the 21-days in a row without interruptions in order to experience the most effective result.
- Should you forget a day or need to take a break due to other commitments or travels, it is ok. Just resume the program where you left off. Do not skip any day and do the sessions in the right order!
- Don’t take too many breaks as it disturbs the healing process.
What is my responsibility during the healing process?
- Your responsibility and participation in the process is a very important part of your healing.
- The 21-Day program offers more possibilities for healing if you are active in the process.
- You are solely responsible for your own health and self-healing while Zoë does her best to support you. Zoë does not provide any promises, warranties and/or assurances regarding specific healing or recovery. Zoë advises you to continue taking medications or any other medical treatments and to speak to your doctor for further advice. Zoë is not a doctor and you are solely responsible for your own medical care.
- You have the opportunity to change yourself and your health situation!
- Never have expectations about a healing session. Instead, set an intention about what you want to happen, but take into account that things may happen during the healing process that you didn’t expect.
- What you need and what you get out of the process is very individual. In the beginning your health might decline and later on improve. Some people heal instantly while others may get worse at first. If you get worse, it may be detoxification symptoms. This might also be a signal from you body to pay more attention to your illness, condition, injury or problem and an opportunity for you to better understand it. In this case, your homework is to find out what caused the imbalance, ailment or disease? What does this tell you? There is always a reason why something happens. Maybe you need to slow down, love yourself more, not be a victim, prioritize yourself, re-write spiritual contracts, etc.
- Everything can be restored and healed. Don’t give up!
Should I stop taking my medication?
- No, continue to take your medication as your doctor has prescribed.
- If you want to stop taking your medications, talk to your doctor first and find out what works best for you.
- If you still wish to stop taking medications, you do it at your own risk, and it is your own responsibility.
The 21-Day Program with Nordic Light Healing™
This is Zoë’s “own” healing modality, where she uses extremely high vibrating and strong energies. Zoë collaborates with different masters, angels and entities from other civilizations.
By cleansing, purifying, strengthening and rebuilding the clients energy system, she creates a new energy template or blueprint for the physical body to adjust itself to.
Zoë has over the years used Nordic Light Healing™ with great success, from minor ailments to various physical illnesses, such as cancer, severe injuries resulting from car accidents, herniated disc, urinary tract infections, fractures, eczema and Lyme disease.
Zoë can also influence, change and transform mental, emotional and spiritual conditions by transforming negative thoughts, removing cellular memories, rewriting soul contracts and breaking energy cords to events and people, in present life or in past incarnations.
In the first video, Zoë tells you about her healing modality.
In the second video, you can enjoy Zoë’s powerful energy transmission of Nordic Light Healing™.
Read more about Nordic Light Healing™ HERE.
“I am truly grateful for everything you do and for sharing yourself and your light! I’ve started a journey within myself and it’s all thanks to you!”
Previous 21-Day Healing Programs

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